Virtual Tour of St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray - Pages 49-50


The altar table itself is a fine example of an Elizabethan altar, and until the 1940s served as the main altar in the church.

Lady Chapel Altar Table

To the right of the altar is a finely-detailed piscina, and beside it an aumbry. The brass mounted on the wall has already been described, and in front of it is a recently donated pricket stand where prayer candles may be lit.


Building mark of Sir Reginald BrayOn one of the stones in the south wall of this chapel can be seen a mark in the shape of a hemp bray (a pun on his name) used by Sir Reginald Bray as a building mark.

The Lady Chapel of St Mary's Eaton BrayThe east window was given in 1900 in memory of the Revd G.E. Whyley, who served the parish faithfully through difficult times for 46 years until his death in 1871.

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