News Archive - March 2006
Mothers Union Eaton Bray with Edlesborough
The Mother's Union monthly corporate service held on January 25th was extra special, as Malcolm enrolled four new members into our branch, Deirdrea, Joan, Marjorie and Anne. The service was attended by existing members, who welcomed the ladies, their ideas and their support.
The service ended with a get together and refreshments. New members are always welcome.
June Thorne
We met at the Coffee Tavern on February 8th 2006.
There were 16 members and one visitor in attendance. Celia opened the meeting with prayers after which June introduced our speaker, "Lozio" her Daughter in Law who had kindly come along to talk about the subject of ART.
She showed us various illustrations of works by Fra Angelico taken from calendars from the 1440's, the Witton Dip Tych, and discussed the life of Boticelli. Lozio brought along various materials produced from rabbit skins, together with brushes, etc, for us to try our skills in the art of painting. We started with our initials and some attempts were really attractive. We were almost too busy to drink our tea!
Jean gave the vote of thanks and we closed by saying The Grace about 4pm.
Gladys Ruffett
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