The Vicar's Letter (written by Reverend Joy Cousans, Vicar of St Mary's Church in Eaton Bray) has been appearing in the villages Focus magazine since June 2017
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Vicar's Letter

March 2025

Reverend Joy Cousans, vicar of the Church of St Mary The Virgin, Eaton Bray with Edlesborough.

Stories are something we enjoy from being very small children. Many people can remember being read bedtime stories by their parents, or reading bedtime stories to their own children or grandchildren. Of course, stories are not only for children; they speak to adults too. The Bible is full of stories, for this is a vital way in which God communicates with us. For many years before most people could read and write history was oral, related from one generation to the next through telling stories.

In the Scriptures, we hear great tales of God's interaction with human beings. Through these powerful narratives we learn of God's care and provision and also of his frustration and disappointment with his people. Yet God always persists in wooing his people back to him, because he loves them so deeply. We learn of Noah and the ark, Abraham and Sarah, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and his brothers, Moses in the bulrushes, David and Goliathand many, many more.

Jesus was a supreme storyteller, capturing his audience's imagination with stories of everyday situations; a woman who lost a precious coin, a fig tree, a man scattering seed, a father and his wayward son, a widow and a judge. The majority of Jesus' teaching is by telling stories with a twist, which we know as parables. Retelling the Biblical stories enables the Christian message to be passed from one generation to another. In our North Chilterns Group Lent meetings this year, we will be exploring Scripture and Story. The meetings will be held at Eaton Bray Methodist Church, Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray every Tuesday in Lent, starting on March 11th and finishing on April 8th. The evening begins at 7.30pm with refreshments. There will be input each week exploring different aspects of story. Starting with 'Why do we love stories?' over the weeks we will look at 'Imagining the Scriptures', 'What about Allegory?', 'Jesus' Parables' and conclude with 'The Easter Story'.

There will also be the opportunity for discussion. Also each week, Martin Rees from Whipsnade will be reading us a story he has written, so we can relax and enjoy listening to a well-crafted tale. The evening will end with a short act of worship and conclude no later than 9pm. Everyone is welcome. Although the sessions are linked by a common theme, it is not a problem if you can't attend them all. I do hope you will be able to join us for what promises to be a fascinating exploration of Scripture and Story with some imaginative storytelling each week as well. As one who loves reading and always has a novel on the go, I am very much looking forward to it!

And if you want to read new books, come along to St Mary's to the monthly Book Swap. There you will find a friendly welcome. You can bring a book to leave and take a different book home to read. You can also enjoy a cuppa along with some wonderful home made cakes. I hope to see you soon!

With every blessing,

Joy, Vicar of Eaton Bray with Edlesborough

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About the Vicar's Letter

The Vicar's Letter has been appearing in the villages Focus magazine since August 2002.

The Rev. Peter Graham also used to publish The Vicar's Letter in the parish magazine of 1964. Please see the area for these.