News Archive - December 2007
Church Fabric
Chairs: You may have noticed that some of the chairs in the church are riddled with woodworm, others are damaged and prone to splintering. The PCC has been considering the possibility of replacing some, or all, of the chairs for some time but, with the roof to repair, a project to replace the chairs has taken a lower priority. However, we are delighted that an anonymous donor has come forward with a generous offer to replace the furniture with new chairs. After some research, three possible designs of chair are under consideration. Do try them out and give your preference.
Niches: Our beautiful church has a number of niches, in the North Chapel and Lady Chapel and either side of the chancel arch, which in medieval times would have held statues. It has been suggested that we should use some of these niches to house new works of art which will be meaningful to Christians in the twenty-first century.
The details have not yet been decided but the PCC is discussing the possibility of holding a competition and inviting young, Christian artists to submit suitable works. These could be in the form of painting, sculpture or collage and using any medium but they will not make any permanent alteration to the fabric of the church. Such art work could enliven the interior of the church, enhance our worship and perhaps, say something to all who come in, about the relevance of the Christian faith to modern living. If you have views on the matter please talk to someone on the PCC.
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