News Archive - April 2010
St Mary's Guild
Members of the Ladies Guild including several visitors, met for their monthly afternoon meeting on Wednesday 10th March and were welcomed by Deirdrea. Unfortunately, the speaker Jenny Moody was unable to attend, but would come at a later date to speak.
A birthday card and best wishes were given to Joan Fossey.
John Heffer led the devotions, ending with the newly written Guild Prayer. John, always popular with the Guild ladies, fi lled the role of speaker at the last moment, relaying stories of how he came to be 'on the buses' and sharing some of his experiences. There was plenty of laughter as we imagined John with “pass along the bus please” and “plenty of room on top”. John was thanked by Marjorie Mann who presented John with one of her lovely fruit cakes.
Notices were given out followed by social time, consisting of a celebration of Easter, with an Easter tea, Easter decorations and a handmade card, chocolate chicken and a gingerbread man for each member. Plenty of time too for chatting and catching up with the news. Next month's meeting is on Wednesday 14th April when the speaker will be Christine Horn demonstrating 'arranging Spring fl owers'. Definately not to be missed. Do come and join us.
Source: Focus, April 2010
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