News Archive - December 2011
Coffers Corner
The year end is fast approaching and I have been looking at what I consider will be the eventual outcome of our financial activities in the General Fund, i.e. the income and costs of the day to day running of the church. I am pleased to say that with the generosity of an anonymous donor the year we may have around £8/9000 surplus! The PCC have agreed that much of this surplus should go into the Fabric Fund to meet future costs in that direction, so that it still means we need to raise enough income to meet our annual expenditure, not rely on past successes. A big 'thank you' to everyone who has helped in the past year.
In an effort to find ways of producing an income for the church, painlessly, arrangements are now in hand for any unwanted goods to be sold on E-Bay and the sale proceeds to go directly to the church. If you are interested in helping in this way, please speak to me and I will be happy to explain the procedure which has been set up.
Source: December Newsletter
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