News Archive - April 2012
St Mary's Ladies Guild
The Guild had their monthly meeting on Wednesday 14th March at St.Mary's Church, Eaton Bray. Deirdrea welcomed members and gave apologies for those who were unable to be present and handed out birthday cards to Joan Fossey and Christine Driscoll and gave details of future events:
- Wednesday 11th April 2pm - next Guild meeting with speaker Hilary Percival on "My
- Nursing Career".
- Saturday 5th May Guild Coffee Morning for St.Mary's Church.
- Wednesday 9th May 2pm - Guild Jubilee Celebrations with bring and share tea. Speaker Christine Farrington "Royal Reflections".
- Thursday 7th June 3.30pm Cream tea, venue to be advised.
- Wednesday 22nd August - Guild outing to Henley, cost £16.
Devotions were led by Christine.
Deardrea introduced Maggie Lines who gave a very interesting, informative presentation and demonstration on reflexology and its bene fi ts which was very well received by members.
Thelma thanked Maggie on behalf of members.
After the closing prayer, as is usual at all Guild meetings, members were invited to help themselves to the very good selection of refreshments.
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