News Archive - June 2012
St Mary's Ladies Guild
This meeting was based on a "Street Party" to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and was well attended. Birthday cards were given to Wendy Watson, Sandra Watson, June Morton, Jean Bates, Pam Courtice, Barbara Ilic, Anne Hunt, Fay Smith, Deirdrea Ellins and Dorothy Bradbury for her special 90th birthday.
Devotions were led by the Revd.Christine Farrington, remembering at this time Tom Heffer whose funeral was taking place in Norwich on this day.
Deirdrea then read out the notices:
- There will be a Memorial Service for Tom in St.Mary's Church (date to be confirmed) where refreshments will be prepared by the Ladies Guild if required.
- The Coffee morning on 5th May raised an excellent £289.84 and special thanks were expressed for the help given by Gordon Gray.
- Payment was requested to be made to Jenny for the afternoon tea at World's End - £6.25.
- Outing to Henley 22nd August – payment to be made to Jenny by July meeting - £16.
- Next meeting 13th June the speaker will be Mrs. Leanne Walters on "History of Milton Keynes Theatre"
Notices were given out for members to choose which groups they would support financially as part of our outreach mission.
The Rev'd Christine Farrington was introduced to speak on "Royal Reflections". Christine said it had been a pleasure and privilege to have been invited to become a Chaplain to the Queen in l998 and was presented to the Queen at a garden party in Buckingham Palace; all Chaplains wore bright red Cassocks. She was the only woman Chaplain at that time; currently there are 34/5 Chaplains 6 of whom are women. Christine shared some anecdotes with us which included her attendance at 14 or 15 garden parties. At the one on May 22nd Christine fulfilled her term of office as a Chaplain to the Queen and will be retiring.
Deirdrea thanked Christine for a very amusing, informative and interesting talk.
The raffle was drawn and closing prayer said before the social time began, our "Street Party" tea. A long table had been erected in front of the pews; there was an abundance of food provided by members and a celebration cake made by June Thorn. The tables were decorated with flags, colourful table cloths, plates and serviettes all in the Jubilee theme, Christine proposed a toast to The Queen and a good time was had by all.
Source: Focus, June 2012
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