News Archive - March 2013
Coffers Corner
Thank you to all of you who have contributed to St Mary's financially during 2012. Although it has been a struggle to end the year in the black rather than red, with welcome donations in addition to your personal effort, we are now clear to face what may be another difficult year!
The church benefits by way of a number of you who spend money on behalf of the church and do not ask for reimbursement – I do not expect everyone to be so generous! I have produced a small form for those of you who a) wish to be repaid and b) for those who are willing to donate their expense and can Gift Aid the sum they are donating. A simple way to improve our income – please ask me for a form or more if you would like to help in this way.
More good news! Beginning in April, HMRC have introduced a new scheme by which I will be able to claim Gift Aid on all sums under £20 given to the church in the offertory plate and wall boxes – I predict a substantial sum being raised in this way.
-- David Mann (Treasurer)
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