News Archive - July 2013
St Mary's Ladies Guild
Members were welcomed by Deirdrea who handed out birthday cards to June Thorne, June Howard, Thelma and Marie.
Notices Future Mission Projects were discussed and the aim is to support the smaller groups that work to save lives, a decision will be made and announced at the next meeting.
£500 has been sent to the RNLI to buy a pager and a specialist lifejacket.
Outing to Stratford on 13th August, Deirdrea said friends of members are welcome to join us, the coach will leave St.Marys Church at 9.00am.
Next month's meeting is on July 10th, speaker Amanda Shipman on Japanese Garden Design.
A cream tea to be arranged.
Deirdrea welcomed and introduced John Cornwall who gave a very interesting talk on Amnesty International; their symbol is a candle (representing hope) with wire wrapped around (representing prison).
There are over three million members and supporters, ordinary people from around the world standing up for humanity and human rights, whose purpose is to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied. John told of several instances/cases where he had personally been involved, where individuals had been imprisoned and tortured for their beliefs, and where they had been released by his intervention and he never gave up on any individual being wrongly imprisoned worldwide.
Deirdrea thanked John for this very descriptive insight into the important and worthwhile work Amnesty International do.
The theme for today was "The Coronation", with flags decorating parts of the church and cups and serviettes also decorated with the Union Jack. Glasses of sherry were served before members helped themselves to the food which was a very appetising 'bring and share' tea. After the raffle had been drawn it was time to depart.
New members will be given a very warm welcome, why not come and see for yourselves.
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