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News Archive - November 2020

Subscribe to the St Mary's, Eaton Bray feedMessage from Joy - 2nd Sunday before Advent

We are rapidly approaching Advent which is the season of the church year when we prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of God's Son, Jesus. The readings for this Sunday reflect that theme of being prepared and of using our talents wisely and well. We hope to include the Churchwardens' Oaths in the online service. The office of Churchwarden is a very ancient one. They are elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and the swearing of Oaths is usually done at a special service with the Archdeacon and other Churchwardens. This year, as with much else, it is being done differently via zoom. So if the technology works you will see Catherine and Angela making their commitment as part of our online worship. Can I encourage you to pray for them as they take on this important office during these challenging times.

You can find the online service on the church website, on St Mary's You Tube page or on the church Facebook page.

As always, do get in touch if you would like to chat or if you have a request for the prayer chain.

With every blessing,

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