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News Archive - February 2021

Subscribe to the St Mary's, Eaton Bray feedMessage from Joy - Next before Lent

I hope you are all managing in the cold weather. It is good to see lighter nights and the first signs of spring.

The coming week is a busy one with lots of opportunities to get involved in events both social and spiritual.

Monday 15th February will be quiz night with the opportunity to have fun and raise some money for St Mary's. Teams of up to 6 people are invited to participate. For all the details visit the St Mary's website.

On Tuesday 16th February, Shrove Tuesday there will be a prayer and praise time on zoom organized by Churches Together. This will be to replace our usual Pancakes and prayer evening. We will miss the wonderful pancakes we usually enjoy- this year it is bring your own pancakes! For the link to join please contact Catherine Hayden.

Ash Wednesday is on 17th February and at 10am I will be leading a service on zoom. The link is available from Catherine on her email above.

The North Chilterns Group Lent Course starts on Tuesday 23rd February. We hope you will come along and try it out. The Lent Groups have been excellent in previous years, although we have never had to do it remotely before.

Apologies for the technical issues which meant that last week's service had to be recorded and uploaded rather than livestreamed. It is all part of the learning curve. Hopefully the service from St Mary's will be on the website , Facebook page and YouTube channel from 10am on Sunday. A copy of the service is attached.

Don't forget that you can get in touch if you would like to be added to the prayer chain. Please contact me or Angela Dunford.

With every blessing,

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