News articles relating to St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray
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News Archive - February 2021

Subscribe to the St Mary's, Eaton Bray feedMessage from Joy - Second Sunday before Lent

A couple of weeks ago I promised more information about the forthcoming online quiz night. This has already gone out on Facebook and a number of people have registered. But there is still time for you to join in if you would like to. The quiz will be on Monday 15th February. Further details and how to register and donate are available in the News section: Online Quiz - 15 Februrary 2021. On Tuesday 16th February, Shrove Tuesday there will be a prayer and praise time on zoom organized by Churches Together. This will be to replace our usual Pancakes and prayer evening. You can bring your own pancakes! Further details to follow.

If you would like to take part in a zoom service for Ash Wednesday on Wednesday 17th February at 10am please let me know.

The North Chilterns Group Lent Course starts on Tuesday 23rd February. Details are available in this attachment.

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have written a letter to encourage us all to pray about our current situation. Prayer ideas are available on the Church of England website and on the St Albans Diocese website.

Finally, the livestream service from St Mary's will be on the website, Facebook page and YouTube channel from 10am on Sunday. A copy of the service will be available as usual to follow along with. Although the church is closed for services it is still open for private prayer on Sundays and Wednesdays between 11am and 3pm.

I hope to see you at some of the services and activities which are happening over the next few weeks. It is always good to catch up.

With every blessing,

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