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News Archive - April 2021

Subscribe to the St Mary's, Eaton Bray feedMessage from Joy - Easter 4

We will be holding our Annual Parochial Church Meeting as part of the morning service on 9th May 2021. If you think it doesn't seem long since our last APCM you would be right! All APCMs were delayed in 2020 due to the pandemic and we held ours in October. In normal years they need to be held before the end of May which is why we have another one coming up shortly. During the meeting we will be electing Church Wardens and also members to the Parochial Church Council (PCC) which is the equivalent of the church governing body. If you are interested in standing for election, please get in touch to find out more. We will also receive reports of the activities of the parish and the financial statements. I hope you will be able to come along to the APCM which is open to anyone on the church electoral roll.

Also to let you know that the midweek communion services will be starting again on Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 10am.

With every blessing,

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