News Archive - May 2009
The Church Mouse
This was the first meeting of the P.C.C. since the A.P.C.M. Our Churchwarden welcomed each member and especially Eileen Bennett back for a further term of office.
The Parish Profile, a document that has been produced to send to potential candidates to replace Malcolm Grant, is now complete and has been printed and will appear on our website.
A new advert has been placed for a new Organist and Choirmaster the closing date is 25th May.
A letter from the Bishop of Bedford informed us that a Priest in Charge will be appointed instead of a Vicar.
The Parish Council have agreed to take over the care of the flower beds outside the church.
Plans are in hand for Christian Aid Week 10-16th May. There will be a concert in Church on the 10th June at 7.00p.m. in aid of Christian Aid.
A rota is to be arranged to man the Parish Office on a Friday afternoon between 2-4.00p.m.
A flower arrangement on behalf of St. Mary's will be done by Mrs Edna Moore at the Whipsnade Flower Festival.
If you know of anyone who is sick and would like a home visit from a church member please contact Chris Hewitt.
The meeting ended with the Grace.
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