The Lay Reader's Letter (written by Gordon Gray) extends the tradition of the Vicar's Letter which has been appearing in the villages Focus magazine since August 2002
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Lay Reader's Letter

February 2017

I do love this time of year. With the sun getting higher in the sky and generating a little bit of warmth there is a sense that winter will soon begin to slip behind us. There are signs in the garden of new growth: early snowdrops are appearing, daff odil shoots are rising boldly up into the cold air and the birds are in their brightest plumage and beginning to sing their songs of territorial claim. It won't be long and we will soon be looking out for the first frogspawn.

By the time you read this the first seeds I have sown this year should have germinated and the earliest potatoes will have been chitted, soon to be planted in a frost free place. When that happens thoughts inevitably turn to the possibility of a harvest of tasty new potatoes, perhaps as early as June.

And, inevitably, I begin to anticipate those long, warm summer days. No doubt there are quite a few households like mine around our villages, in which teams of people are busy planning the summer events that make our villages such a good place in which to live: cricket fixtures, School Fetes, the Beer Festival, the Carnival, Open Gardens.

There is a sense of excitement in the air, and an expectancy of good times to come. It is no diff erent at St Mary's where there is a growing sense of anticipation, a hope of good times ahead for, over the Christmas period, we learnt that we have appointed a new vicar, Revd Joy Cousans, currently serving two rural parishes just to the north of Sheffield, who will be formally installed by the Bishop of St Albans at a special service of celebration on 26 April.

We want to be ready for her arrival so expect to see plenty of activity in and around the Church and the Vicarage by members of St Mary's congregation, aided by people on Community Payback Service who have made a big diff erence to the overgrown garden.

Until Joy arrives we will be trying to build on the legacy left by Coralie. Hopefully we will have completed the new 'kitchen in a cupboard' at the rear of the church and, through a series of special services for families, we will continue the growth of our congregation. The next such service is a non-communion service at 10am on 18 February in which I will be giving money to someone - come along and find out why!

Our choir, fresh from its superb singing over Christmas, continues to grow its repertoire under our Director of Music, Stephen Axford. In an age in which children get fewer chances to sing, St Mary's choir off ers a great opportunity for youngsters to learn a skill that many adults take for granted (and what's more choristers get paid for their singing!) If you would like more information come along to the 10am service any Sunday and talk to Stephen, Gordon or Catherine.

At time when the world of politics seems so uncertain, St Mary's can provide an oasis of hope, joy (and Joy), and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gordon - Reader at St Mary's Eaton Bray with Edlesborough

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About the Vicar's Letter

The Vicar's Letter has been appearing in the villages Focus magazine since August 2002.

The Rev. Peter Graham also used to publish The Vicar's Letter in the parish magazine of 1964. Please see the area for these.