Features Archive
Below is a list of features that have appeared on the opening page of the St Mary the Virgin, Eaton Bray with Edlesborough website in previous months.
St Mary's Village Carnival - 1st July 2023
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page to see what happened.
Dagnall Flower Festival 2022
A selection of the photos from the 2022 Dagnall Flower Festival are available to view
Heritage Day 2022
A selection of the photos from the 2022 Heritage Day event are available to view
St Mary's Village Carnival - 2nd July 2022
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page to see what happened.
Open Gardens 2022
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Open Gardens event. We hope you had a wonderful day exploring the gardens of Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
A selection of the photos from the 2022 event are available to view
Open Gardens 2021
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Open Gardens event. We hope you had a wonderful day exploring the gardens of Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
A selection of the photos from the 2021 event are available to view
Thy Kingdom Come 2021
During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come it is hoped that everyone who takes part will:
- Deepen their own relationship with Jesus Christ
- Pray for 5 friends or family to come to faith in Jesus
- Pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, that we would be effective in our witness
There will be prayer sessions every morning and Zoom services in the evenings on specific dates during the 11 days period, plus new videos each day on the Thy Kingdom Come website.
Welcoming Stephen Burge as our new Associate Priest
St Mary's Village Carnival 2021
Thank you to everyone who helped make St Mary's Village Carnival 2021 such a success.
Photos and results from the day are now available on the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page.
St Mary's Village Carnival, 28th August 2021
This year's Carnival is only a few weeks away.
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page to see what will be happening and how you can get involved.
Open Gardens, 25 July 2021
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Open Gardens event. We hope you had a wonderful day exploring the gardens of Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
A selection of the photos from the 2021 event are available to view
Thy Kingdom Come 2021
During the 11 days of Thy Kingdom Come it is hoped that everyone who takes part will:
- Deepen their own relationship with Jesus Christ
- Pray for 5 friends or family to come to faith in Jesus
- Pray for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, that we would be effective in our witness
There will be prayer sessions every morning and Zoom services in the evenings on specific dates during the 11 days period, plus new videos each day on the Thy Kingdom Come website.
Welcoming Stephen Burge as our new Associate Priest
Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2020

St Mary's is supporting the Bishop's Harvest Appeal 2020 'Creating a buzz in Nepal'
We will collect donations until 11th October in church and online via Give a little.
Open Gardens, 23 August 2020
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Open Gardens event. We hope you had a wonderful day exploring the gardens of Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
A selection of the photos from the 2020 event are available to view
Christmas 2019
We look forward to seeing all members of St Mary's family in church over the Christmas period.
Information on Christmas services in St Mary's, Eaton Bray and locally is now available.
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Kingdom Come is a global movement inviting Christians to pray during the nine days between Ascension Day and Pentecost for more people to know Jesus Christ. Thousands of individuals, groups and churches worldwide have responded to this call and each year Thy Kingdom Come inspires countless local prayer events.
St Mary's is again joining in with the Global Wave of Prayer from Ascension Day to Pentecost 30th May to 9th June.
St Mary's Celebrates 800th Anniversary
2019 marks the 800th anniversary of the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Eaton Bray. An 11th or 12th century church may have stood on the site, built of wood or wattle and daub, but for 800 years the church we recognise today has served as a focus for worship and prayer for the village of Eaton Bray and, since 1975 it has been the Parish Church of the newly created Parish of Eaton Bray with Edlesborough.
Music@St Mary's -
New Year Concert
The wonderful Aylesbury Concert band will be entertaining us for the traditional new Year Concert at 2pm Saturday 13th January - tickets priced £7.50.
Christmas at St Mary's Eaton Bray
We look forward to seeing all members of St Mary's family in church over the Christmas period.
Music@St Mary's - Poppy Prom 2017
Tickets are now on sale for the performance of the 7th annual Music@St Mary's Poppy Prom to be held at 7.30pm on Saturday 11 November at Eaton Bray Church.
Music@St Marys - Let's hear it for the girls - July 8th
What a treat we have in store for you on Saturday 8 July at 7pm soprano Emily Haig and Karen Logan, mezzo soprano, will bring a fun and interesting programme of classical and musical theatre favourites to St Mary's.
New Vicar - Reverend Joy Cousans
We are delighted to announce that the Reverend Joy Cousans is our new Vicar. Joy was previously Priest-in-Charge of the Benefice of High Hoyland, Scissett and Clayton West in the Diocese of Leeds. She trained for the ministry at Ridley Hall.
Joy was licensed as our Vicar on Wednesday 26 April by the Bishop of St Albans.
Songs of Praise star Jonathan Veira to perform at St Mary's
On Saturday 20 May at 7.30pm Jonathan Veira, a top quality Christian entertainer and performer, who sings beautifully, plays the piano and makes people laugh, will be at St Mary's Church.
Jonathan has established a reputation over the last 30 years singing to millions across the UK and the rest of the world - you may have seen him on Songs of Praise where he is a regular guest.
Charity Christmas Puzzle 2016 - Anybody May Help You Solve This Puzzle
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
St Mary's Christmas Fair
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Christmas Fair.
A selection of photos from the 2016 event are now available.
Goodbye to Coralie
On Sunday 28th August we said our goodbyes to Coralie, thanked her for all she has achieved with us and wished her and Ralph much happiness in Wales. It was a joyous occasion to celebrate her time in Eaton Bray and the large congregation on Sunday morning and again on the following Wednesday which was her last service, spoke volumes about the many friends she has made here.
Click here for more including photos>>
St Mary's Christmas Fair - Saturday 19 November
Saturday 19 November 2016, 12.00 - 3.00pm.
Come and visit Santa and Mrs Claus with their elves in their Christmas grotto at this year's Christmas Fair!
With lots of other stalls to browse for your Christmas presents, or just to treat yourself!
Open Gardens 2016
Thank you to everything who supported our annual Open Gardens event, held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 24 July 2016.
Photos from the day are now available.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2016 - Myths, Monsters & Magic
The Carnival was a brilliant day for the community; there were so many positives including plenty of new volunteers to help at next year's Carnival. Financially, we expect the total raised to exceed £13,000.
I can only thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this year's Carnival such a success.
-- Gordon.
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page for photos and results from the day.
St Mary's Coffee Morning - 6 August 2016
The next coffee morning will be on Saturday 6th August and will be in aid of an amazing charity called Toilet Twinning. We all know that towns are twinned, well now it's possible to twin your loo!
Open Gardens - 24 July 2016
Our annual Open Gardens event will be held held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 24 July 2016.
St Mary's Christmas Fair - Saturday 14 November
Saturday 14 November 2015, 12.00 - 3.00pm.
Come and visit Santa and Mrs Claus with their elves in their Christmas grotto at this year's Christmas Fair!
With lots of other stalls to browse for your Christmas presents, or just to treat yourself!
St Mary's Village Carnival 2015 - The Sea
The Carnival was a brilliant day for the community; there were so many positives including plenty of new volunteers to help at next year's Carnival. Financially, we do not have a definitive total but it is probably safe to say that we made between £12,500 and £13,000. The lower of these figures is the best we have achieved in the past (on a like for like basis). Anything more than £12,500 would be a record.
I can only thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this year's Carnival such a success.
-- Gordon.
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page for photos and results from the day.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2015 - The Sea
This year's Carnival is only a few weeks away.
Visit the Carnival website and Carnival Facebook page to see what will be happening and how you can get involved.
Charity Christmas Puzzle 2014 - The Grand Old Duke
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
St Mary's Christmas Fair 2014
Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Christmas Fair and those that visited Santa and Mrs Claus with their elves in their Christmas grotto!
A selection of Eileen's photos from the day are now online.
St Mary's Christmas Fair - Saturday 15 November
Saturday 15 November 2014, 12.00 - 3.00pm.
Come and visit Santa and Mrs Claus with their elves in their Christmas grotto at this year's Christmas Fair!
With lots of other stalls to browse for your Christmas presents, or just to treat yourself!
RSCM Millennium Youth Choir - Wednesday 29th October
Hayden Elves who is a member of St Mary's Choir and the RSCM Millennium Youth Choir attended the summer course at Gloucester Cathedral where they recorded Choral Evensong which is being broadcast Wednesday 29th October 2014 at 3.30pm on BBC Radio 3.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2014
Thank you to the many many people who contributed to the success of this year's event, and to everyone that came along and enjoyed the day.
Photos and Results from the day are now on the Carnival website and also available on the Carnival Facebook page.
Open Gardens 2014
Thank you to everyone who came along to this year's Open Gardens event, held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 8 June 2014.
Photos from the day are now online.
The 21st Century St Mary's Appeal
Although you may not have realised it, the church of St Mary the Virgin, Eaton Bray has stood at the centre of these villages for almost 800 years.
In some ways the church is still no better equipped than it was back in the 13th century when it was built. We are therefore appealing to everyone living in the four Parish villages - Eaton Bray, Edlesborough, Dagnall and Northall - to help in whatever way they can, as the cost of building an extension to house the toilet, and create a kitchen area will be...Click here for more >>
New Year's Concert 2pm, 11 January 2014
We have received the full programme for the concert from Aylesbury Concert Band and it looks terrific. As well as New Year favourites including the Trish Trash Polka, The Blue Danube and the Radetzky March the programme includes other splendid, well-known and popular pieces that you are sure to enjoy.
Tickets are available now from the box office on 01525 222283
Christmas Tree Festival
Our annual Christmas Tree Festival was another great success. For photos from the weekend, see our special Christmas Tree Festival page.
Click here for photos and more >>
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
St Mary's Christmas Fair provided a dazzling array of gift stalls and prize draws this year, as well as a visit from Santa and Mrs Claus and their Elves! The whole occasion was warm and welcoming and there were well over two hundred visitors, all enjoying the many attractions and delicious refreshments.
Click here for photos and more >>
Christian Aid Week: 12-19 May
Christian Aid Week is 12th - 19th May. An envelope is delivered with Focus to every home in the four villages that receives the magazine. Please look out for your envelope and when the collector calls make a contribution to this worthwhile charity which supports some of the poorest people in the world. click here for more >>
Music at St Mary's - Programme for 2013
Starting with the Children's Prom on February 9th, there is already a great programme of music planned for the coming year.
Events planned so far include Cantata Ladies Choir, Luton Symphony Orchestra, Saxes en Q and our very popular Poppy Prom.
For details of the various events and booking, click here for more >>
Four Villages Men's Breakfast Club
The first meeting of the newly formed Four Villages Men's Breakfast Club will take place on Saturday 19th January 2013.
The Club draws on all elements of our community for its membership and the intention is to meet just four times a year to enjoy a social get-together and to listen to an invited speaker. Click here for more >>
Coffee Morning featuring Ukulele Orchestra
Our next coffee morning on 1st December will, as well as the usual features, include entertainment by the Ukulele Orchestra from Dunstable Music School.
Tim Saiet: Tickets now available
3rd October 2012
Tickets are now available for Tim Saiet event on Wednesday 3rd October. Tell your friends!
Poppy Prom
10th November 2012
This promises to be one of the event highlights of the year. Join two local choirs and the South Beds Concert Band in an evening offering favourite music from 'The Festival of Remembrance' and 'The Last Night of the Proms'.
If you would like to have tickets for what should be a tremendous evening's entertainment then please contact Sharon Stilliard on 222283. Click here for more >>
Manor House String Quartet - Invitation to the Dance
18th August 2012
The Manor House String Quartet - instrumentalists who play for top London orchestras - will be playing at St Mary's a popular programme entitled "Invitation to the dance".
St Mary's on Facebook
St Mary's Eaton Bray has a Facebook group which anyone is welcome to join and get involved with the discussions there.
Please click on St Mary's on Facebook and then click the Join Group link in the top-right corner of the page.
Messy Church
Messy Church will be on the first Sunday of the month starting Sunday 2 September 2012, from 3pm - 5pm - or try a taster session in the school holidays on Tuesday 31 July or Thursday 23 August, 2 - 4 pm
Christian Aid Collection
Many thanks to all who contributed in any way to this year's Christian Aid collection in the 4 villages. We raised £3,138.67 of which £617 came from the fabulous Christian Aid concert held in St Mary's mid-June!
Many thanks are due to everyone involved in putting on the concert and to all our tireless door-to door collectors - it is inspiring that you can find that extra bit of time in your busy lives to help support Christian Aid.
Open Gardens 2012
Thank you to everyone who came along to this year's Open Gardens event, held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 10 June 2012.
Photos from the day are now online.
Diamond Jubilee Celebration Service
Come and celebrate this unique day with us on Sunday 3rd June at 10.00am.
Canon Mark Bonney to be Dean of Ely
Everyone who knows Mark Bonney from his time as vicar of this parish 1992-1996 will surely be delighted to hear that he has been appointed Dean of Ely Cathedral.
Handel's Messiah at St Mary's
It is with great delight that Handel's masterpiece will be performed at St Mary's Church, Eaton Bray, at 7.30pm on 19 May 2012. Click here for more >>
The performers include one of the top local choirs, The Linsdale Singers, an orchestra of local musicians and some highly talented young soloists whose voices first developed under the guidance of the Bedfordshire Youth Opera.
The performance promises great things. Please come along and enjoy what should be a fantastic evening. Tickets for allocated seats, priced at £7.50, £10 and £12, available from the Box Office - 01525 222283.
Holy Week
Details of services taking place during Holy Week in St Mary's, Eaton Bray and the rest of the parish are now available.
Mothering Sunday
People of all ages are invited to thank God for the gift of their mothers at our special Mothering Sunday service on Sunday 18th March starting at 10.00am.
Lent Services, Groups and Courses
Details of the North Chilterns Group Lent Course, and other Lent groups for 2012 are now available.
Christmas Tree Festival
Saturday 3rd - Sunday 4th December, 11am-6pm at St Mary's, Entry £2.50
A fantastic two-day festival of Christmas trees and lights designed by local schools, organisations, churches and businesses.
Lunches will be served from 12.30 - 2.30 on Saturday and refreshments will be available throughout the weekend.
Click here for more >>
St Mary's Christmas Fair
19th November 2011, Eaton Bray Village Hall, Entry 50p
St Mary's annual Christmas Fair is your opportunity to buy Christmas cards and gifts. Stalls include toys, books, cakes, plants, chocolate tombola, lucky dip, bric-a-brac. And make sure you enjoy a delicious bacon roll or cake from among the refreshments.
Click here for more >>
Poppy Prom
12th November 2011
This promises to be one of the event highlights of the year. Join two local choirs and the South Beds Concert Band in an evening offering favourite music from 'The Festival of Remembrance' and 'The Last Night of the Proms'.
If you would like to have tickets for what should be a tremendous evening's entertainment then please contact Sharon Stilliard on 222283. Click here for more >>
Music for a Summer's Evening
10th September 2011
The Manor House String Quartet - instrumentalists who play for top London orchestras - will be playing at St Mary's a popular programme entitled "Music for a Summer's Evening".
St Mary's Village Carnival 2011
Thank you to everyone who helped make St Mary's Village Carnival 2011 such a huge success. Photos and results from the day are now available on the Carnival website and Facebook pages.
Open Gardens 2011
Thank you to everyone who took part and helped with this year's Open Gardens event around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 12 June 2011.
Photos from the gardens are now available.
Easter Monday Pilgrimage
A photograph from this year's Easter Pilgrimage to St Albans is now online.
Edlesbray Players - Santa The Panta
The Edlesbray Players present Santa The Panta, in Eaton Bray Village Hall from 27th to 29th January. Tickets on sale now.
Christmas Tree Festival: 3rd-5th December
This year, St Mary's plays host to a Christmas Tree Festival during the weekend of 3rd to 5th December 2010.
There are many decorated trees to see around the church, along with lunches served 12.30 - 2.30 on Saturday and refreshments throughout the weekend.
Click here for more, including the display in the Lady Chapel >>
New Vicar for the Parish
We are delighted to announce that we have a new Vicar. The Reverend Coralie McCluskey is presently Team Vicar in the Welwyn Team Ministry and, until recently, was also Acting Team Rector.
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
The St Mary's Christmas Fayre will take place on Saturday November 20th, between 11.30 and 3.00pm, in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Parish Profile
Due to the retirement of our Vicar, Roger Chapman, we have now initiated the process for appointing his successor.
Click here to view the Parish Profile >>
St Mary's Village Carnival 2010 - Inventions
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's Carnival such a huge success.
Results and photos are now available on the Carnival website.
Open Gardens 2010
As part this year's Parish Project, our annual Open Gardens event was held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 13 June 2010.
Travellers Tales - A Trip around the World with the Manor House String Quartet
The Manor House String Quartet performed a light programme of popular classics representing different countries throughout the world on Saturday 5th June. Fundraising in aid of St Mary's Church raised £560.
The Open Band - 8th May
Thank you to everyone who supported our concert of easy listening Jazz by The Open Band on Saturday 8th May.
Click here for photos & more >>
Charity Christmas Puzzle
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
Edlesbray Players - Much Ado About Panto
The Edlesbray Players present Much Ado About Panto, in Eaton Bray Village Hall from 20th to 23rd January. Tickets on sale now.
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
The St Mary's Christmas Fayre took place Saturday November 14th, between 12.00 and 3.00pm, in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Thank you to everyone who helped make St Mary's Christmas Fayre a great success.
New Priest in Charge
We are pleased to announce that a new Priest has been selected to take over as Priest in Charge of St Mary's church.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2009 - Books
Congratulations, together we raised £12,900 for local good causes!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's Carnival such a huge success. Results and photos are now available on the Carnival website.
Open Gardens 2009
As part this year's Parish Project, our annual Open Gardens event will be held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 14 June 2009.
Parish Profile
Ours is a rural Parish with an area of less than 5 square miles and a population of 5000. The larger of the two working Churches is a well-maintained 13th century building with a weekly congregation of 100 and an active PCC and laity.
Parish Project 2009 - Merlin
The PCC has selected Merlin as our Parish Project for 2009.
Click here for more >>
Edlesbray Players - Starwreck
The Edlesbray Players present Starwreck - 2009, A Space Oddity, in Eaton Bray Village Hall from 21st to 24th January.
Charity Christmas Puzzle
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
Travelling Crib
There is an old Mexican custom where, during Advent, people dressed as Mary and Joseph travel around their villages knocking at peoples' doors to see who will give them hospitality.
The Mothers' Union has adapted this custom through the idea of a Travelling Crib, moving throughout our villages during Advent. Click here for more >>
St Mary's Village Carnival 2008 - Fairy Tales
Thank you to everyone who helped make St Mary's Village Carnival 2008 such a huge success.
Results and photos are now online.
Click here for more >>Open Gardens 2008
As part this year's Parish Project, our annual Open Gardens event will be held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall on 8 June 2008.
Easter Pilgrimage
Photographs from this year's Easter Pilgrimage to St Albans are now available.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2008 - Fairy Tales
Preparations for this year's St Mary's Village Carnival are now well under way.
The Carnival website includes details of how you can help this year, along with information on what will be going on and pictures from previous Carnivals. Click here for more >>
Charity Christmas Puzzle
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
The St Mary's Christmas Fayre will take place Saturday November 17th, between 12.30 and 2.30pm, in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2007 - Favourite Adverts
Preparations for this year's St Mary's Village Carnival are now well under way.
The Carnival website includes details of how you can help this year, along with information on what will be going on and pictures from previous Carnivals. Click here for more >>
Open Gardens 2007
As part this year's Parish Project, an Open Gardens event will be held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
Holy Week
Details of services taking place during Holy Week in St Mary's, Eaton Bray and the rest of the parish are now available.
Edlesbray Players: Raising The Roof
The Edlesbray Players are Raising the Roof in aid of our church roof fund on February 3rd at 7.30pm.
Parish Project - Kagando Hospital
Thank you to everyone who has supported our fund-raising for Kagando Hospital in Uganda this past year.
The PCC has selected the Chilterns Multiple Sclerosis Centre as our Parish Project for 2007.
Charity Christmas Puzzle
This year's Christmas Puzzle has now been posted, and is available for download.
Christmas Services
The Christmas Eve Candle Services are St Mary's best attended services.
These will be followed by midnight mass on Christmas Eve and a Sung Eucharist on Christmas Day. Click here for more >>
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
The St Mary's Christmas Fayre will take place Saturday November 18th, between 12 noon and 2pm, in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Concert of Inspirational Music
Saturday 7th October, by St Mary's choir and their friends. Tickets £7.50 to include interval wine and refreshments.
Harvest at St Mary's, Eaton Bray
Our Harvest Thanksgiving will take place on 1st October. Following the service, the Harvest Auction on behalf of the Bishop's Harvest Appeal will take place before the Harvest Lunch in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Click here for more >>
Jazz at St Mary's
As part of their Roof Repair Fundraising and the Village Hall Refurbishment Project, St Mary's at Eaton Bray will host a Trad Jazz night at 8pm on Saturday 16 September 2006.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2006 - Films
The Carnival was once again a huge success.
Our thanks to all who contributed - we appreciate everyone's involvement in and support for this remarkable church and comminity effort.
Open Gardens 2006
As part this year's Parish Project, an Open Gardens event will be held around Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Northall.
Holy Week
Details of services taking place during Holy Week in St Mary's, Eaton Bray and the rest of the parish are now available.
Parish Project - Kagando Hospital
Our Parish Project for 2006 is the Kagando Hospital and Rural Development Center (KARUDEC) in the Kasese district in southwestern Uganda.
Music at St Mary's
As part of the Bedfordshire Church Trail, we will be hosting an afternoon of light classics courtesy of the "Caroline & Friends" String Ensemble.
Lent Services, Groups and Courses
Details of services, the North Chilterns Group Lent Course, and the Churches Together Lent Groups for 2006 are now available.
Christmas Services
The Christmas Eve Candle Services are St Mary's best attended services.
These will be followed by midnight mass on Christmas Eve and a Sung Eucharist on Christmas Day. Click here for more >>
St Mary's Christmas Fayre
The St Mary's Christmas Fayre will take place Saturday November 19th, between 12 noon and 2pm, in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Travelling Crib
There is an old Mexican custom where, during Advent, people dressed as Mary and Joseph travel around their villages knocking at peoples' doors to see who will give them hospitality.
The Mothers' Union has adapted this custom through the idea of a Travelling Crib, which was initiated, throughout our villages, for the first time last year. Click here for more >>
Jazz at St Mary's - The Vine Street Six
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this a terrific evening. The good causes will benefit by around £300 each.
Harvest at St Mary's, Eaton Bray
Our Harvest Thanksgiving will take place on 25th September. Following the service, the Harvest Auction on behalf of the Bishop's Harvest Appeal will take place before the Harvest Lunch in Eaton Bray Village Hall.
Click here for more >>
Jazz at St Mary's
On the evening on Saturday 10th September, at 8pm, there will be a live jazz band concert performed by The Vine Street Six.
Proceeds will go to St Mary's Fabric Fund, and Phase 2 of the Village Hall refurbishment project.
St Mary's Village Carnival 2005 - Nursery Rhymes
Preparations for this year's St Mary's Village Carnival are now well under way.
The Carnival website includes details of how you can help this year, along with information on what will be going on and pictures from previous Carnivals. Click here for more >>
North Chilterns Group of Parishes
The North Chilterns Group of Parishes comprises the three benefices of Totternhoe, Stanbridge and Tilsworth; Kensworth, Studham and Whipsnade; Eaton Bray with Edlesborough which includes Dagnall.
Holy Week
Details of services taking place during Holy Week in St Mary's, Eaton Bray and the rest of the parish are now available.
Lent Services, Groups and Courses
Details of services, the North Chilterns Group Lent Course, and the Churches Together Lent Groups for 2005 are now available.
Edlesbray Players - Mother Goose
Pictures of the Edlesbray Players production of Mother Goose, which took place in Eaton Bray Village Hall at the end of January, are now available.
Christmas Eve Candle Services
The Christmas Eve Candle Services were again hugely popular.
Travelling Crib
There is an old Mexican custom where people dressed as Mary and Joseph travel around their villages during Advent, knocking at peoples' doors to see who will give them hospitality.
The Mothers' Union has adapted this custom through the idea of a Travelling Crib.
Harvest at St Mary's, Eaton Bray
Our Harvest Thanksgiving took place on 26th September. Following the service, the Harvest Auction on behalf of the Bishop's Harvest Appeal raised just over £500.